Discretionary Funding

BCT encourages development of investigator-initiated trials. The BCT Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC) evaluates, selects and recommends new trial proposals based on scientific merit and the requirements of the broader BCT membership.

To date, the SAC, relevant Subgroups and associated Working Groups assist investigators in refining and developing concept proposals initiated by BCT members. Ultimately, many of these proposals are presented to SAC for consideration as future BCT clinical trials.

BCT provides opportunities for its members to apply for Discretionary Funding to support small scale research studies such as pilot studies that have the potential to lead to BCT-coordinated trials. Discretionary Funding is provided by public donations made to BCT. Guidelines for Discretionary Expenditure of Accumulated Funds and the Concept Proposal Form are available on the Research Section of the BCT website.

New Discretionary Funding projects awarded:

  • Prof Xiaoshu Zhu/Dr Eugene Moylan: A mind-body exercise (Baduanjin) for chemotherapy-induced fatigue in women with early breast cancer: a pilot study for a remotely delivered randomised exercise-controlled trial.
  • Dr Katherina Farr: Cardiac SPECT imaging in early detection of cardiac perfusion defects in the era of modern radiation therapy of breast cancer.

Projects/Concepts in development:

  • Dr Caroline MacCallum: Routine contrast breast imaging in local staging of early breast cancer.

The status of previously awarded Discretionary Funding projects is:


  • Prof Gelareh Farshid: Feasibility Study of Vacuum Assisted Biopsy Excision as a Non-surgical Alternative for Women with Borderline Breast Lesions (VAB Ex Trial).
  • A/Prof Byeongsang Oh: The Gut Microbiome and Vasomotor Symptoms in Women with Estrogen Receptor-Positive Breast Cancer.
  • Dr Mahesh Iddawela: Study invesTigating the role of routine screening and mOlecular characterisation of bRain metastasis in the management of high-risk Metastatic breast cancer (STORM).
  • Dr Emma-Kate Carson/Dr Belinda Kiely: Phase II randomised trial of melatonin versus placebo for the management of sleep disturbance in women with early breast cancer on adjuvant endocrine therapy.
  • Dr Antonia Pearson/Dr Belinda Kiely: A phase II study to determine the feasibility of using oestradiol vaginal tablets to treat genitourinary symptoms in women on adjuvant aromatase inhibitors for breast cancer (OVGUS).
  • Dr Yoland Antill: The timeline and quality of life implications of madarosis in patients undergoing cytotoxic chemotherapy for breast malignancy.

Completed/Final report pending:

  • Dr Richard Isaacs/Dr Navin Wewala: A phase II, randomised, double-blinded, placebo controlled, crossover trial to assess Pantoprazole’s effectiveness as prophylaxis against delayed chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting (CINV) in patients receiving adjuvant breast cancer chemotherapy (PantoCIN).