Become a Member
The Breast Cancer Trials research program brings together researchers and institutions throughout Australia and New Zealand, who have a shared commitment to improve treatments and prevention strategies for those with and at risk of breast cancer.
Our membership is largely made up of health professionals, such as medical oncologists, clinical trial coordinators, surgeons, radiologists, nurses and pathologists for example.
There are two BCT membership categories: Full Member and Affiliate Member.
A Full Member is deemed by the Board to be or will be directly involved in the conduct of the BCT research program. Full members can become actively involved in our clinical trials for the benefit their patients, they are invited to develop research ideas and apply for discretionary funding for research projects, have the opportunity to nominate for our Board of Directors and committees who set our research agenda, and receive reduced registration fees to attend our Annual Scientific Meeting (ASM).
An Affiliate Member is deemed by the Board to have an interest in and awareness of BCT, and its’ research activities, but who is not involved in the conduct of the BCT’s research program. Affiliate members receive regular updates on our research program and reduced registration fees to attend our ASM.
Ms Jenni Scarlet is a Research Nurse from Waikato Hospital and is a member of Breast Cancer Trials.
General Public
Stay up to date with the latest news from BCT by signing up to our monthly research newsletter. This fantastic resource is filled with information on the latest research announcements, new clinical trials, trial results, articles from leading breast cancer experts, Q&A events, summaries of research presented at international conferences, our fundraising activities, as well as facts and figures on breast cancer.
To sign up to the monthly research newsletter, complete the short form at the bottom of this website page: